Slovak cuisine will conquer you

Slovak cuisine in practice on the plate.

Slovak cuisine is a challenge for many eaters. You definitely won't find American burgerbut other dishes that will please your taste buds. Central European style of cooking influenced by other trends. Some other cuisines have also influenced the flourishing of Slovak cuisine.

  • German
  • Austrian
  • Hungarian

The result is of course fabulous and you can enjoy lots of traditional dishes. These include, for example, bryndza gnocchi, a plethora of different cheeses, but also delicious drinks. Slivovice and zincica are clear proof of this.

Popular soups in Slovakia

Let's first focus on the vanguard of the main course. That is, of course, the soups. Slovak cuisine is associated with a tradition that clearly form kapustnica. You will indulge in an overabundance of sour cream, sausages, plums and mushrooms. Other popular soups include lentil, goulash and Slovak-style bean soups. As part of a delicious menu, you should not miss the mushroom soup with vegetables and mushroom sour.

Slovak cuisine in detail

In addition to soups, popular in Slovakia are also extraswhich is a kind of reduced soup. The main courses are a chapter in themselves. Most of them tend to be more hearty and fatty. In addition to the aforementioned haluškės, you can try pirohy, zemiankova baba in the form of potato pancakes and many others. Find out more in the questions and answers below.

What are lokše?

This is a special kind of potato pancakes. Sometimes they are also added to soups, sometimes they form the main dish.

What does the goosefoot look like?

It is prepared from pork meat. The result is a gelatinous dish, which is dominated by a lot of collagen.

What sweet dishes are leading in Slovakia?

Most often you will find nutcake, makovník, traditional bábovka, strudel and Bratislava rolls.

What are the favourite Slovak cheeses?

In the kitchen you often come across korbáčik, bryndza, oštiepok and parenica. Many of these are served smoked and unsmoked. Semi-ostiepok is no exception.

What dishes appear at Christmas?

Slovak cuisine is associated with fried carp, kapustnica, waffles with honey, fish soup and potato salad.
