When it comes to a meat-free diet, Vegetarianism is the obvious choice. At its core, it is a lifestyle that will affect your life in many ways. But did you know that vegetarianism is divided into several other categories? Yes, there are different types of vegetarian foodwhich we will now introduce to you in more detail.
Flexitarians - Who are they?
If we mention types of vegetarian food, we must not miss the following flexitarians. Vegetarians enjoying something meaty from time to time. Preference in this respect is given mainly to fish and poultry meat. Flexitarians, by the way, do not avoid eggs and milk either.
What are other types of vegetarian food?
It's not just flexitarians that you may come across. There are others - lacto-ovo vegetarians, frutarians, vitarians or ovo-vegetarians. If you don't know what to make of these terms, read the questions and answers below.
People avoid any meat and target only plant-based diets. They do not consume animal products either. The only exceptions are milk and eggs. It is true that this trend has been gaining popularity in recent years.
This is a much stricter style of vegetarianism. This way people exclude meat and animal products from their diet. Among other things, they also omit legumes, thus limiting their diet quite a bit.
Vitarians primarily target a raw food diet. This means without any heat treatment. Only the drying of snacks is accepted, even at low temperatures of up to 40 °C to 50 °C. They do not want to deprive themselves of the nutritional value of the delicacies at any cost.
Ovo-vegetarians avoid meat and animal products. This means that they do not drink milk either. The only raw material that is allowed is eggs.
Other types of vegetarian diets include, for example, macrobiotics, vegans, pesco-vegetarians and lacto-vegetarians. Tell us, which of these categories do you want to fall into?