Migraines are basically unwanted headaches. In some cases, this affliction can be likened to joint pain just in a different part of the body. The headache, of course, has its cause. At the same time, there are ways to fight them as best as possible. If you suffer from regular migraines, here is some practical information.
- Primary headache
- Secondary headache
- Useful tips
It should be noted that such a disease may not be caused only by your life attitude and other triggers. In some cases, you can get migraines suffer hereditary.
Different headaches
Migraine as such falls into the group of primary headaches. It is a unilateral pain manifested mainly in the forehead and eyes. The back of the head is no exception. In this case, migraine can be defined as a disease. However, if you suffer from stress-induced headachesit's a tension pain. Then it manifests itself more as a stabbing in the temples. Both are, of course, very unpleasant.
Migraines in questions and answers
We can move on to secondary headaches. These are caused, for example, by the flu or other illnesses. You simply get sinusitis and the pain moves to the head. To learn more about migraines, read the questions and answers below.
In addition to migraine, you may also experience hypertensive headache or tension headache.
Be sure to keep up a sufficient drinking regime, especially in summer. If you work at a computer, improve your seating. Even a bad position can give you a headache.
Next, work on getting enough quality and long sleep. Your head will also ache less if you do not consume alcohol.
Very often there is unpleasant pain from the cervical spine. At such a moment, improve your posture and visit a physiotherapist.
Be sure to use cold compresses. Ideally, a handkerchief dipped in cider or apple cider vinegar.