Snorkelling at sea - Basic equipment

A young man is snorkelling in the beautiful sea.

Snorkelling is an underwater activity popular with young and old alike. A water sport that can be enjoyed anywhere in the world. For example, when you're scuba diving the best rafting rivers in Europe. To enjoy underwater exploration to the full, you need the right equipment.

  • Snorkel
  • Mask
  • Fins

Three basic elements of snorkelling equipmentthat you simply cannot do without. When choosing each product, focus on specific features and parameters. We will now tell you what they are.

Snorkelling from A to Z

As we said at the beginning of this article, a snorkel is essential. Through it, you can actually breathe the air above the surface and look at everything that swims below you. With a snorkel, the length of the snorkel is quite crucial, as well as the ending itself. You can find three types of designs.

Dry flapWhen it sinks, it closes
VlnolamAfter the sinking, it will flood
OpenBetter for experienced users
The basic division of snorkels from which you can choose.

This is basically a basic stepping stone for snorkeling. For a dry flap snorkel, you may also see the term pin snorkel. When you surface with it, you'll basically breathe immediately and don't have to blow the water out.

Glasses and fins

Diving goggles designed for snorkelling come in many versions of designs. They can differ in colour, but also in the design of the glass. This is manufactured as single and double gauge. If you can't see at a distance, you can buy dioptric glasses to multiply your underwater experience. Full-face masks, or 2-in-1 equipment, are no exception, giving you an interesting panoramic view underwater.

To move underwater with maximum grace like a fish in water, don't forget your fins. In their case. it is advisable to bet on the extension version. You can then adjust the fins according to your own needs. When choosing them, the hardness becomes an important parameter. At the same time, you have to learn how to use them correctly to achieve that graceful movement. Their alternative is at least water shoes in places with more rocky surfaces.
