Appendicitis - Watch out for it

The doctor is going to deal with appendicitis.

Appendicitis is undoubtedly an unenviable disease. As well as tick-borne encephalitis. In this case, however, the culprit is not the tick, but the person himself. In fact, there are several causes of the appearance of this disease. Some of them are our own fault, others are not.

  • Poor eating habits
  • Parasites in the form of roundworms
  • Foreign object in the body

Inflammation of this type is painful and, if left untreated, can even threaten a person's life. That is why you should know what the symptoms of the disease are, how it can be treated, etc.

Important information about appendicitis

Appendicitis is often referred to as appendicitis. This technical term presents pain in the navel area, which gradually moves to the lower abdomen. From the point of view of inflammation, you will encounter two variants. It is acute inflammation and chronic inflammation. Please refer to the table for details.

Acute inflammationQuick onset
Chronic inflammationLong-term pain
Where there is no diseaseAfrica and Asia
Another causeClogging with a piece of stool
Additional information regarding appendicitis

If you think you are suffering from this disease, it is advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible. One of the symptoms will be, among other things, a sensitive abdomen to the touch in the area of the lower abdomen on the right side.

Appendicitis and other symptoms

Of course, there are more than enough symptoms of this disease. To the mentioned abdominal pain, most often vomiting and diarrhea are added. In addition, it is constipation, lack of appetite, but also a very fast pulse. As a result, you may feel quite malaise. In such a condition, you should very quickly get alert and visit a medical facility.

Appendicitis itself is treated depending on the extent of the disease. In some situations, classic icing will help. If it is a more extensive disease, in most cases it ends with surgery, respectively removal of the appendix. If the disease is underestimated may cause unwanted inflammationthat threatens the peritoneum.

You can count on leading a full life without any restrictions after your appendix removal. If you want to prevent possible disease, include more fibre in your regular diet.
