Horse racing is gaining popularity

A rider and his horse are racing over obstacles.

Horse racing has become increasingly popular in recent years. You could say that as well as such paddleboardwhich is popular with young and old alike. When the term "horse race" is mentioned, it is immediately clear to everyone what it is. It is a horse race where the jockey's performance and experience play a major role.

  • The aim of the race is to win the race
  • Implemented at racecourses
  • There are different types of races

Horse racing as such is also a clear a measure of how successful the breeding of a given horse is. This is also related to the classification in the respective breed and the price of the horse itself.

Racing sports of a different type

If we focus on horse racing from a historical perspective, we find ourselves at the beginning of the 18th century. That's when the comparison of horses in terms of their qualities began. The imaginary springboard for horse racing and competition was laid in England. Since then, many racing sports have emerged, differing, for example, according to the track. One type is steeplechase.

Type of raceInformation
Race over wicker hurdlesOn a grassy surface
SteeplechaseWicker and solid obstacles
Steeplechase cross countrySandy, ploughed and grassy surface
The basic division of the categories of horse racing.

The category of obstacle races is specific not only because of the surface itself. The obstacles mentioned above bring an important variety. These must be overcome by the rider on horseback, otherwise he basically cannot continue in the race.

Other racing races

Of course, horse racing takes many forms. Popular are, for example, trotting races, which are specific in that the horse can only trot. Another type of race is the flat racing. This type of race focuses on English Thoroughbreds. The horse and jockey have to run the course in the shortest time possible, or get the best possible position. Flat races are unique in that they are without obstacles.

Types of racing are also divided according to the weight carried. It is further based on the category. Everything is governed according to the racing regulations that have been drawn up in each country. The very first one was created sometime in 1752 when the first racing organization was founded.
