Kryštof - Band associated with Richard Krajč

Christopher performs in a room full of people and under the glare of the spotlight.

In one of our last articles we introduced an icon of Czech music, which was Karel Gott. Now we will focus on one of the very successful, famous and great bands. It is the band Kryštof, which has been dominating the music scene for some time now. It was founded in 1993 in Havířov and since then it has gained a really solid and extensive fan base.

Kryštof - More about the band

The most famous face of this group is of course Richard Krajčo. Apart from him, other current or former members have founded the band in their time. They were Jarda Blahut, Nikolay Arichtev, Biser Arichtev and Pavel Studnik. In the table below you can learn more about the band.

Active yearsSince 1994
GenresPop and alternative rock
First demo imageSQELLE
PublishersEMI, Universal Music and Richmond Records
More information about the music group Kryštof.

Just for the sake of interest, the last mentioned label Richmond Records belongs to Richard Krajč. He focuses primarily on vocals, guitar and vocals.

Successful albums by Kryštof

If you look into discography of the band Kryštof you'll find it's really rich. Among the studio albums, Rubicon and Inzerat are famous. The singles included unforgettable hits that still sound today - Inzerat, The More I Know, Wings of Soap, Šnůry, Hned Now, Lolita, Cesta, Ty and Me, Stay Here with Me and many more. The band has also released concert albums, including Ži(v)je, Kryštof v Opera and Kryštof na Strahov 2017. If you add to that three selections of albums, you will find that the band has done more than enough during its existence.

Award for hard and quality work

The success of this popular music group has naturally been reflected in a number of awards. The Czech Nightingale in 2013 and the Andel Music Awards in various categories since 2001. Whether it was Discovery of the Year, Song of the Year, Music Web, Group of the Year and others. It is true that Richard Krajčo attracts a lot of listeners with his charismatic approach. After all, he prepares the legendary Kryštof Camp every year and with other members they prepare many other events.
