Payments on the Internet are nowadays a common thing. This is proven by the fact that virtual payment card. When you decide to make such a payment, you have several options. In their case, however, you have to keep one important thing in mind. It's security, or the greatest risk for internet payments. If you underestimate it, you may lose funds.
Payment security on the internet
If you want to make online payments, only do so on verified portals. This goes double when entering your credit card number. The risk can be considerable. There is a practical lesson here. Make online payments where you have a guarantee 3D Secure authorization contributing to greater safety. It must also be a secure website. You can tell by the "https" address.
Internet payments in questions and answers
But let's look at internet payments in as much detail as possible. We'll tell you what they are types of these payments and much more. Read the Q&A below to find out more.
The most common payment methods are internet banking, direct cashless payment and payment gateway.
In essence, it is an ordinary transfer from a bank account to an account. This means that you have to fill in all the necessary information about the recipient and send the payment.
Yes, but you need to know where you want to pay. Moreover, it is a relatively more complicated solution where the identity of the merchant is verified.
This is a direct link between the bank and a specific merchant. He's already been vetted. This payment method is instant and is offered by more and more online retailers.
The popular trio is rounded off by online payment via a payment gateway. Again, be careful where you shop. For this payment method, you fill in the credit card number, expiry date and CVC code. These are the complete details needed to make any payment.