Types of watches by style of clothing

Hand watches are one of the most popular types of watches.

The types of watches literally know no limits. However, few people realise that their design is actually a fashion accessory in the same way as, for example men's belt. It is not only practical, but also an original accessory to the clothing. However, this is provided you know when to wear which watch.

  • Choose them according to the occasion
  • Respect the established dress code
  • Even the dial plays an important role

You might be surprised, but wrong watch on your hands can completely ruin your outfit, no matter how good it is. Yes, even such small details play a crucial role when dressing up.

What choices do you have?

First of all, it should be noted that there are different types of watches. These differ, for example, in the dial, the colour of the case, but also in the design of the strap. A typical example is leather vs. textile or sports belt. In the context of social events, it is also metal. Everyone probably correctly guesses that when camping they will choose a sports watch and for the ball they will wear a classic hand watch. However, let's go into a little more detail on the correct use.

Types of watches in questions and answers

Unless you have the opportunity to own dozens of watch models for different occasions, choose new models wisely. Remember, for example, that finer and simpler models finds more use at social events. Find out everything else through the questions and answers below.

Which type of bracelet is more social?

I'm sure it's leather. Don't forget that leather products should all be matching, i.e. watch strap, trouser belt, or other leather accessories.

What rule applies to the metal belt?

For him, focus mainly on the colour. If you choose a silver belt, the other accessories on your hands should also be silver. This applies especially to bracelets.

What event should I always wear a formal watch to?

Then, if the dress code is set as black-tie.

What watch to wear to a white-tie event?

None, or the pocket ones.

What to bet on when choosing a watch?

Not only on the dress code itself, but also on your own intuition.
