Elvis Presley was a living legend

Elvis Presley full name Elvis Aron Presley. The king of rock and roll and a legend as famous as Freddie Mercury. This giant literally dominated the music scene of his time and many times topped the charts, especially in the United States. And what styles was he able to combine so brilliantly? Presley made music history in many ways. Whether ...

Elvis Presley was a living legend Read More

The Beatles is a legend among legends

The Beatles is the name of an English rock band that everyone knows. In the days of its greatest fame, it was loved by everyone in the world. Freddie Mercury, by the way, had a similar popularity. The musical group from Liverpool conquered the world not only with their charismatic performance, but especially with their singing. Four singers formed the core of the band. One drum kit, a bass guitar, a guitar solo and...

The Beatles is a legend among legends Read More