Contemporary fashion styles

A young girl focuses on modern fashion styles.

Fashion styles are to some extent fashion trends that reveal what you wear. We all have our Dedicated style, favorite clothes and uses selected accessories. You may not even know it, but you too certainly fit into a certain fashion style or at least approach it to a minimum extent.

  • Hipster
  • Preppy
  • Athleisure

Each fashion style is, of course, associated with selected elements and is characterised by something. If you want to discover your style of dressing, read the following lines.

What are the fashion styles?

The first thing we can bite into is the aforementioned Athleisure style of dress. He's very relaxed and easy-going. You can imagine it with leggings, loose sweatpants, a sports shirt, a sweatshirt and sneakers. There are even chic offshoots for these fashion styles. One of them, for example, is athflow. And what other styles will you come across?

HippieBased on the 1960s
HipsterPlaid shirt, ankle boots and white shirt
PreppyStudent style of the 1950s
OversizedLoose and casual clothing
Some famous fashion styles of the last decades.

The trend of the last few years is also a fashion style referred to as Tomboy. This is mainly owned by women who are enthusiastic about dressing in men's clothes. They wear shirts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, caps and everything is in a certain rebellious spirit.

Business fashion for the corporate segment

Business fashion is a chapter in itself. It is primarily concerned with professionalism and elegance. For men, they lead shirtsand jackets and ties. For women, formal skirts, blouses and pumps win. Business fashion is one of the fashion styles where it is often necessary to follow certain rules.

Other fashion styles

You can focus your wardrobe on a lot of fashionable styles. One of them is, for example French stylebased on the clothes worn in Paris. In this case, simplicity, monochrome, scarves, caps and hats win out. In the end, you may find that you don't actually fit into any one category one hundred percent with your outfit, but rather choose to combine several styles together. Everyone is unique and original in this respect.
